Stand Up & Choose Life Over Fashion

Joshua Woods was only 22 years old when he was shot and killed...over a pair of Air Jordan shoes. No mother or family should lose their loved one over their sneakers. Shoes, clothes, and jewelry come and go, but a human life is irreplaceable. Are you going to let this story go unheard? Or will you take a stand and let your voice be heard?

Raise Awareness

Do we really have to lose another human life, especially that of a young adult or child over a pair of easily replaceable shoes?

Reach Nike

Joshua’s mom, Dazie Williams, wants to reach Nike to help to implement change to prevent these crimes from occuring.

Stand Together

There really is strength in numbers. Together we can all stand together and choose life and stop these vicious crimes together.

Protect the Children

Our children are our future. No mother should have to feel the pain of losing her son over his shoes.

Release of New Awareness Letter

Air Jordan’s “Not The Shoe to Die For” This is a wake-up call America.

Are Air Jordans to Die For?

Well for the 3 young men accused for shooting and murdering Joshua Woods while

Joshua Woods

Joshua Woods was a caring, respectful, responsible, and loving young man who worked hard